It’s 2022 Lunar new year and we welcome the energy of the WATER TIGER - Water tiger is about PASSION, POWER and GROWTH, and the liquid gold combo of Tiger and Water is a beautiful balance of passion and compassion.

A fierce and loyal protector, the tiger year calls for expansion through clarity, boundaries and sometimes through aggression and conflict. Time to get comfortable with the uncomfortable and learn how to hold your own.

However the water element brings with it the sense of intuition, calm, sensitivity, caring and compassion. How can we stand in our power - and protect our boundaries, with a sense of clarity, calm and compassion for others as well as remembering that true power is never power OVER but power WITH.

The Water Tiger year bring significant changes, but if we can trust our primal instincts and go with the flow we will be able to navigate the changes with ease and grace.

Just a reminder though the tiger doesn’t sit in the jungle drinking cacao all day - (that’s the Jaguar’s job!) the tiger is assessing the situation with eyes focused, Tiger is logical, determined and has her eye on what is going on, she makes clear decisions and takes ACTION from a base of knowing, combining her current knowledge of what’s happening with a deep intuitive and primal instinctual animal sense. This year is the year for INSPIRED ACTION.

Water Tiger is brave, sensual and gives herself FULLY to the project or to those who she loves. No dilly-dally-ing with this tiger. She’s in or she’s out - time to decide and then commit fully. Self-confidence is key, overcoming fear and taking calculated risks.

This year is also the year too explore new things in life, business, relationships. Knowing that where Water goes brings abundance and prosperity. Live according to your inner code. Stand up for yourself and your choices but allow yourself to go with the flow sometimes.

It asks for us to overcome our fears and take action on the things we truly want. Time to decide on what you want and then GO FOR IT, with inspired ACTION steps. (for help with this grab some one-on-one coaching with Willa or join a VISION SESSIONS eight week to awesome course!)

The calm and compassionate nature of water brings balance to the WILD tiger ride. Asking us to deepen into our intuition. TRUST yourself and your instincts.

The water tiger will ask us to get clear on when we need to STAND UP for ourselves and when to allow ourselves to surrender. The only way we can truly know this is to DEEPLY LISTEN. Take time and space for ourselves. REST. KNOW THYSELF. Trust our intuition, feel the feels, and then take ACTION.

For more TIGER goodness - come to our METAL Element immersion, end of MARCH (online or in person) Metal is the Element of the TIGER - so we will explore loads of Tiger forms to get your GRRRR on, help support clarity and boundaries in your system and help you BREATHE with ease. Saying YES to your yes’s and NO to your No’s.

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The artist of this work is (Yin Yi-Qiu). He was born in Zoucheng in the Shandong Province of Northern China. Nearing age 50, he has been painting for more than 30 years.

He studied various media and styles of art such as watercolor, gouache, and oil painting in a variety of landscapes, birds, and flowers. But in the last few years, tigers have become his passion. In fact, tigers are the only thing he paints these days. Go the Tiger!!