SOUL + Soma - A Living Systems Temple
200 Hour Foundation course
SOUL + Soma is a living systems temple. It is Earth medicine. Divine medicine.
An intimate journey of integration and alignment with source through daily practice, cultivation of presence, somatic yoga, embodied movement and mindful touch. This is a therapeutic practitioner training with a unique combination of somatic and shamanic principles, techniques and practices to move you into a sacred life as a human and as a healer of the world.
Learn the sacred arts of healing, being with and opening - to yourself and to all of life around you. We will explore energy medicine, plant medicine, ceremony + ritual, alongside somatic practices including Skinner Releasing Technique, BMC, Feldenkrais, Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy, massage, experiential anatomy, energy anatomy, movement therapy, sound journeying, plus therapeutic + somatic yoga.
The SOUL + SOMA training - will give you foundational tools to open to your own healing path and to be able to help others on their journey. How to maintain a life of health and wellness on this changing planet and the tools to give back to others and to the world around you.
INTRO – 3-5 days…. Prerequisite to the full training
This 3-5 day immersion will give you a glimpse into this very powerful way of being and will give you an insight into the full practitioner training.
It is an immersion into the powerful work of SOUL + SOMA, it is the pre-requisite for the full training OR can stand alone as a beautiful immersion into divine presence and healing practice for your own personal journey. (If you havn’t done the INTRO and you still want to do the training - let us know) NEXT Intros are here……
Holographic IMMERSIONS:
Each immersion explores the organs and body systems of the elements, physical anatomy, as well as energetic anatomy, ceremony for each element and aspects of ritual, movement, meditation, stillness and therapeutic touch/hands on bodywork. We work within the seasons of the year, following the wheel of the year according to ancient traditions, we explore plant medicines for each season and body system, we work with the power of circle and gathering. Looking at tribal ways of healing and coming together, that heal us individually as well as within our family units and within the greater context of humanity and the greater family of our earth. We learn tools to work with everyday to manage the challenges of life on planet earth, we learn practices to stay centered and in alignment. We learn how to heal ourselves and each other. We enable our systems to remember how to reconnect to our power, our energy and our connection to planet earth and all her medicines.
We work holographically - nothing is fixed but all contains the elements of the whole – similar to yin/yang theory – aspects of one always contain aspects of another, it is a constant dance of change between one element and the next, between all the elements – always in constant flow and flux.
Some of the things you might experience:
- Having a deeper understanding of your gifts and how you can weave them into your life and facilitation to support others
- Becoming a clearer, more present and grounded person, being able to hold sacred space for yourself and others
- Understand how to work with physical and energetic anatomy to clear stagnant, holding and tension patterns within the body.
- As a whole new person, you will meet the things that are holding you back and gain the tools, community and deep support to move through them to step into the person you know you came here to be.
“This is a living, breathing, experience to tap you back into the gifts and wisdom that lives within the bones of your body. It is a remembering of how to be truly human and how to support people in coming home to their wild human nature.” - Courtney Shore - SOUL + SOMA 2022/2023/2024
We are passionate about creating powerful transformational leaders and healers in the world. Our Soul + Soma training has been created to offer heart lead humans, world class teaching trainings so they can fully step into their power and share their magic with the world.
We know the earth needs even more connected, powerful and epic humans to share the tools of ancient wisdom, plant medicine, somatic and shamanic healing. If you're ready to deepen your connection to self, and your earthwalk, step into leadership and share your gifts with the world, SOUL + SOMA is for you.
‘Nothing I have tried has done so much to bring me into physical and spiritual harmony with myself and others’…..
‘I felt integrated, like I was reclaiming a part of myself’…
‘What can I say except I am growing at the same rate as a I am dissolving - that I am nothing and feel my relationship to all things - hanging over the edges of the self and learning to fly’
…adapted from Students journal notes
“Soul & Soma was such a transformational experience. I’ve wanted to expand my work as a coach into deeper healing, somatic & shamanic work. Willa’s wisdom and space holding is otherworldly. Sitting in ceremony & being guided by her created so many shifts within me. Soul & Soma took me to layers I didn’t know I could go, opening my eyes to new possibilities. I’m so grateful for this training, for the tools, practices, shifts and community of beautiful beings. I feel like I’ve waited my whole life for this training and it exceeded all my expectations. Willa is the most divine, loving, grounded and present teacher I have ever had. The way she creates ceremony with all that she does, bringing lightness, love and laughter to everything she touches. I would recommend this training to everyone who feels the call - It’s honestly changed my life.”
Run over five modules over the course of one season cycle - this amazing course will be a dive into the depths of your purpose, alignment and potential to become the human you wish to be.
2025 Training dates:
INTRO and PRE-REQUISITE: - More Dates coming soon…..
Immersion 1: EARTH GATE: 5-9 Feb 2025: 5 days 10-5
Immersion 2: METAL GATE: 10th - 14th April : 5 days 10-5
Immersion 3: WATER GATE: 4-8th JUNE : 5 days 10-5 (this is an off-site module - TBA)
Immersion 4: WOOD GATE: 8th - 12th October: 5 days 10-5pm
Immersion 5: FIRE GATE: 12th - 16th November: 5 days 10-5pm
Daily Timetable: 10-12pm session one, 1.30pm – 3.30pm session two, 4-5pm last session.
Each immersion has online follow-up call - 1.5 hours x 5
Expected minimum Homework per module – 4 hours x 5
“I am finding the combination of the Elemental Alchemy Training and SOUL + SOMA Training really complementary to each other, creating feelings of increased health and wellbeing, body awareness and self confidence. I havn’t even finished the trainings and my mind, body and soul all feel deliciously nourished so that I have increased joy and gratitude in all areas of my life”
“Everything you do must be a ceremony, only then will your entire life be an act of worship.”
“Wilhemeena’s work is offering New Zealander’s a vital resource for somatic knowledge and art making that exist no where else in New Zealand. Somatics are an essential part of any dance training in addition to offerings tools for health and wellbeing at every level. Wilhemeena’s dedication to spreading this knowledge is her key to her passionate teaching, performing, dance and art making, bodywork practice and business of running SOUL”