Beauties - here is a few snippets from the wood snake year that I have been delving into the past weeks….

You may have started to feel the energy shifting over January from the very activated Yang Wood Dragon, coming into something a little softer, and on the 29th January we slithered into the year of Yin Wood Snake a symbol of growth, renewal, and intuitive wisdom.

This year embodies the qualities of the Wood element—creativity, flexibility, and regeneration—combined with the Snake’s characteristics of strategy, mystery, and resourcefulness—plus add in the Yin energy of receptivity, softness, intuition, nurturing, calmness, while emphasising stability and support.

The Yin Wood Snake encourages us to embrace transformation and inner wisdom, emphasising introspection and the pursuit of inner knowledge. She invites us to trust our instincts while cultivating patience and adaptability, fostering deeper connections with ourselves and others on all the levels.
It’s going to be a beautiful, dynamic year. And a great year to commit to your personal practices.

We are up for an exciting ride - expect 12 months of renewal and growth. Wood Snake year is the year of awakenings, expanding of consciousness, completions and new beginnings, it is the biggest year of transition from the old to the new - and phew in 2026 are settling in to the new…looking forward to that!!! So lets do the mahi that needs to be done - let go of what we know and create a new path of awesome.

One report even said that in March 2025 the age of darkness ends - so yep - that’s quite big!!

Truth is going to be revealed, history of the earth, humanity, civilisations, revelations….

Those who are in transparency, integrity, humility and heart-centeredness in service to others will reach the highest frequencies - whoop whoop - lez go!

Time-lines, people, places and things will be seperating rapidly - so ask your self amongst the melt - how can I help, how can I share, how can I heal? We are heading for unity consciousness… be in LOVE as a state of being - life will be much easier for you…so as Rumi says - lets fall in love - and stay there…

As we step into the wood snake year - its time to shed our skin, not piece by piece - but all at once - letting go of the past and the limits we used to put on ourselves and stepping into a moment where things will never be the same again…. because they won’t. This is the year to fully commit to your highest evolution.

Things may be fast and volotile especially from July - November - as we collectively ramp up this skin shedding, making jumps in our frequencies and consciousness to a place of transcendence. During this time it is important to stay GROUNDED and CONNECTED to Earth as much as you can - keep your nervous system regulated, do your practices, and turn inwards. Inwards is a jolly good idea - as its also a number nine year - the hermit year (YIN STYLES) - time for introspection and inner clarity. Vibing on your on vibe and not being swayed by the ensuing chaos. Remember chaos is a deep dark feminine trait and a time of great creativity, innovation, fertility and rebirth - so get shakti and dance your way through this year - perfect your snake shimmy and rattle up some kundalini. Talking about kundalini - you might want to “get busy” as your kundalini ramps up - but use your wisdom and clarity around who you want to be sharing your life force with. Be strategic on this one and don’t use it as a strategy to time out. Use it to EVOLVE!

Over this July - Nov time it’s go to be easy to get mentally jazzed up by the things going on around you mental processes and meltdowns so it will be easy to feel overwhelmed - Ask your self - how can I GROUND, EARTH , INVITE STILLNESS, STAY SIMPLE… how can I make my life more simple?? How can I stay in LOVE?

Multiple times a day - stillness, grounding, dropping into your heart, follow your breath, setting intentions…for my highest good and the highest good of all…staying connected to your community vibe…but not getting sucked into other peoples dramas. Say YES to helping others, let’s get what needs to be done done, we need each other, but drop the drama! Drama is so DRAGON year - so let’s drop that shit and wiggle close to the earth - breathe and get on with the mahi!!

During March, April and Oct - there is possibly lots of water and primal fire - a nod to the fire and water steaminess of the Dragon year we have just completed. Dragon year has stirred up all the shit - and begun the mystical transformation, it required us to face ourselves and our darkness and to confront big issues (dragons) with love and compassion - and possibly a bit of fire and brimstone!!

Just remember - we are moving towards higher frequencies….we literally can’t STAY where we are, in our comfortable, easy life of complatency and consumerism - SNAKE year - she not down with it - she wiggling into your house and getting you out of the closet and onto the dance floor to shake you down!

As a collective we are moving back to seeing and understanding the earth as a living conciousness that we are interacting with. We are remembering that we are no longer seperate from nature…we ARE nature. The ancient wisdom of Gaia is returning and many ancient gifts, skills and knowledge are coming back to us.

We are letting go of the old structures - its already done people - now the structures are falling…institutions, education systems, financial systems, governments, religious structures, everything letting go….and a Revolution is on its way - the beginning of the shift of power to the people…bringing a dissolving of traditional authority and taking back our individual soverienty.

Beloved - A whole NEW YOU is emerging - because if this is happening on a grand scale - the revolution is also happening in YOU - in your own system - the old boss is leaving and a new one is taking over - hopefully your new governance makes cacao compulsory and dancing a daily activity. But hey - you can make your own rules - its a good time to get clear on those.

It’s also a time to open to greater sensitivity to energy, greater intuition, multi-dimentionality, open to your dreams getting bigger and better, tuning into energy, healing gifts, telepathy, everything is energy and frequency, manifesting comes more quickly.. (time to raise your belief frequencies and get tapping - EFT style)

Its time to - LIVE YOUR UNIQUE ESSENCE- CELEBRATE YOUR UNIQUENESS - CREATE THE WORLD you WANT TO LIVE IN - DIVE IN to YOU!! YOUR HEART! YOUR DESIRES - YOUR HIGHEST GOOD. EXPAND YOU and then go and have a cup of tea and chill for a hot minute! Balance your YIN and YANG…grounded, stable and supported.

And just - in a heads up kind of way - we are going to also become more aware of the damaging effects of the manmade energy vibes, emfs, smart devices, and those things that SUCK YOUR SOUL (Literally my friend!) - lets make some liberating choices about that!

We might be in for more solar flares, more extreme weather events, flooding (esp March/April), tsunami’s testing the boundaries of the sea…droughts, storms, high winds, land masses emerging from the sea, the earths map may change…new earth emerging…what a party! Open to the world as you know it - changing! The boundaries shifting. Nothing will be the same!

There may be loud war drums in the old world, attempted censorship and control on a mass scale - just as the ship sinks.... glug glug!!

Stay tuned to like minded people, gather in communities, grab your digital currencies and precious metals…and start a vege garden. Keep your mind and body clear - that is the practice!!


Stand up for your FREEDOM and SOVOREIGNTY when it is called for. Now is not a time to keep quiet. But to stay awake and aware and like a snake, arrive, strike and retreat back to somewhere nice and cool to recoup. Stealthiness, ninja styles…move with purpose and precision.

Speak your mind, state your truth and stay in LOVE

Practice lightness of being - eat less, more plant based, get into early morning and evening sun gazing. Every remarkable legacy of every remarkable being that has ever walked on this planet is encoded into the Earth. The snakes carries within it all of that wisdom, as it’s moves effortlessly - belly to belly with Papatuanuku. So get on down and get your ass on the grass. GROUND. Soak it up!


The Snake - having shed its skin through the process of constriction, the snake is reborn as an iridescent, shimmering, powerful & majestic being…cool!

The Snake symbolizes wisdom, associated with intelligence, intuition, and insight. The snake's ability to shed its skin represents renewal, transformation, and continuous growth, making zodiac Snakes practical visionaries, good leaders, and great thinkers.

The Snake has the ability to swallow an animal bigger than its size, symbolizing ambition. Changing the world feels quite big - its kind of chunky - but this year we got snake powers - so we got super power digestion to take on more than we can chew!!

Despite their lack of limbs, Snakes can travel fast, representing adaptability, adventure and efficiency. In Chinese astrology, the Snake is considered a Traveling Star, which implies some out of town adventures afoot. Whoop Whoop! (But maybe not airtravel around winter in NZ! As apparantly there’s gonna be some constrictions round that at that time in the airplane department) Get grounded, stay close. Cuddle under duvets!

Known for its stealthiness and wisdom. Embrace its slow, steady transformation. Changes may not happen overnight, but that’s okay. Relinquish what no longer serves you so you can evolve. Do your practices - so when the time is right you can be swift and lethal!! “Luke - use the force” - is gonna be apparent this year!

The Snake is associated with pragmatic Taurus in the Western zodiac, an earthy sign known for its grounded, deliberate approach to life. As you weave through the year, you can methodically align with your true path. The key lies in trusting the process.

While the pace of 2025’s Year of the Snake might feel more subdued compared to 2024’s Dragon year don’t mistake this for a lack of action. A Snake year rewards those who think ahead, stay calm under pressure, and strike only when the timing is perfect. Summon your inner strategist. It’s time to play the long game and build something solid from the ground up.


Wood years—which are all years that end in a 4 or a 5—mark periods of accelerated growth. Need a visual? Picture a sapling pushing through the soil and rising toward the sky to become a towering tree. Spring is the season associated with Wood, which makes 2025 (much like 2024’s Wood year) a time for renewal, change and rebirth.

The Wood element brings its own unique flavor to the Snake’s influence. Since Wood encourages growth, expansion, and renewal, visualize a vine winding its way up a trellis, gaining strength with every twist. This is a year to rise strategically, rather than rushing to the top.

Think of Wood as nature’s growth hormone – it’s all about flexibility, expansion, and reaching for new heights. When this element combines with the Snake’s innate wisdom, we’re looking at a powerhouse of creative thinking and adaptability.

2025 is heralded as a time of constant change on Planet Earth - a change which will continue into future years as society's structures break down and are re-born. How can we stay stable and trusting during these times?

 Turning within and relying on the strength and clarity of our inner guidance. Our soul voice. Our Personal Song. 

This is the time to gather and to learn new techniques of self-healing and alignment to Source energy . (get your ass to class!) To expand your practices of self-nurture, discernment and deepening intuition. Now is the time to ensure we have strongly anchored our inner pathways to integrity and self-renewal. That the practice of being able to sustain ourselves fully from our own spiritual reserves and guidance is accessible and reliable.

Go team - we got this - super excited to hear how you roll (or slither!)

As always we are here for you - reach out for support if you need it - this SOUL community is beautiful and we have the tools that can help you navigate big changes. Daily Practice is key - so get your self to class (online or in person) now is also a perfect time to start or commit to something like qi gong - internal power practices that help us evolve, cleanse, clear and live with wisdom and grace - amongst the wild.

Tune into our workshops, trainings and one on one healings and press go on your evolve.

We got this!