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Maximising True internal Power within a Qi Gong Practice with Jake Munz

  • Body re 20 Quintal Road Big Omaha, Auckland, 0985 New Zealand (map)


MASTERCLASS 1: Maximise true Internal Power within a Qi Gong Practice.

The development of Jing is the ultimate goal of Qi Gong practice.

The ability to conjour vital life-energy from the cosmos is the most incredibly potent form of revitalisation, healing and empowerment.

But the value that has been placed on this knowledge is so great that many of the finer points of how to achieve this most effectively are even now still shrouded in secrecy or only alluded to in the most general terms.

We can add real potency to our Qi Gong practice and greatly enhance the cultivation of essential Jing using a simple but profound system developed by Tu-Ky Lam, one of New Zealand's most accomplished Taiqi practitioners 

An easily-understood technique that sees guaranteed, concrete results in nurturing Jing, this will greatly enhance and accelerate any Qi Gong practice, or provide a first really solid foundation on which to grow one's practice.


MASTERCLASS 2: Dispersing Qi Blockages through fascial release

Good Qi Gong unites the internal and the external. The knowledge and awareness that we gain from our internal work can be used to help our body heal itself and even turn back the clock in some respects.

As we age maintaining mobility is essential, and the beneficial “ligament energy” of internal Qi Gong practice has the potential to transform our physical health picture.

Using the Standing practice we have just learnt in the morning, combined with basic meridian theory and simple fascial release techniques you will see measurable, tangible results in your physical wellbeing as a result of your Qi Gong practice.

Plus your practice will become easier and more enjoyable !



Many students of Qi Gong find that accessing true Jing is very difficult.

They may be moving Qi in their meridians and feeling benefits, perhaps, but cultivating Jing will give real potency to their practice and has by far the greatest health benefit. The problem is that the kind of internal practice required for Jing creation can be difficult to master and results can take a  long time !


This MASTERCLASS will provide a very logical, straightforward framework to understand what Jing actually is and how to generate it. We will learn a very efficient form of Jing production that creates proper grounding. The benefits will channel through into all Qi Gong and Taiqi. Anyone can do this, it requires no special talent, and results are guaranteed if one just does the exercise.

 We will also look at how we can use this system to maintain and improve our physical self, and at the same time solve some of the common problems we may encounter in Qi Gong practice.

We will work with simple standing forms which will be familiar to the class, hugging the tree, with a couple of permutations. After the finer points of structure and body alignment, explained and demonstrated through some basic exercises, we will go internal to the heart of the system,  using the concepts of “opening and closing” and “substantial and insubstantial” - very subtle weight transfers that create the dynamic tension needed to draw up Jing from the Earth.

From there we will look at how this naturally integrates with all Qi Gong forms (and Taiqi) and gives them solidity, potency and life.

It is a simple system but quite profound. It has the potential to really turbocharge an existing practice so very useful to all those practicing Qi Gong. It can potentially accelerate and encourage your practice while not requiring any learning of complex forms. It is suitable for all students and can immediately be applied to whatever Qi Gong they are working on.

Tu-Ky Lam formulated this system to achieve proper Jing generation in his standing Qi Gong. He is a very accomplished Taiqi practitioner with a good Chen-style lineage, and well-published.

Jake Munz has been training with Tu-Ky for about 25 years and is fortunate to have witnessed and been a part of this standing technique's evolution, it is part of a lineage that goes back hundreds of years to Chen Village.

“Tu-Ky is shining a light on Jing-building techniques in a very special way as this information is almost never shared and thus usually poorly understood.

 My ability is to gather Tu-Ky's thoughts and present them in easily understood language for people with no background in the subject. My Chinese medical knowledge also lets me give added context around what we are doing”.

These Masterclasses are designed for Elemental Alchemy POST-GRADUATE and GRADUATE students. If you are NOT an EA student or post-graduate - please contact us BEFORE you register.

JAKE is also our guest clinician in the SOUL CLINIC for April - on 13th April for private clinical sessions in Accutonics + Accupuncture - for more info tune in here…..


JAKE MUNZ – Practitioner

N.D.A., Dip. Ac., B.A., C.M.C.N.Z.

Jacob (Jake) Munz is a Registered Acupuncturist and qualified Acutonics Provider who has practised Qi Gong and Taiqi for thirty-five years.


“Taiqi led me to Qi Gong and then to study Acupuncture and Acutonics. Over twenty years of practicing this system of healthcare has shown me it's remarkable ability to support and help us in every aspect of our lives. In a modern world fixated on treating symptoms of common problems with pharmaceuticals we need this empowerment for real wellbeing more than ever now.”


Jake is a graduate of the Christchurch College of Holistic Healing (2004, N.D.A., Dip. Ac.). He is certified to practice acupuncture by the Chinese Medical Council of New Zealand (CMCNZ) and is a Healthcare Provider for the Accident Compensation Corporation of NZ. He also holds a Bachelors Degree from Victoria University of Wellington (1995, B.A.)


Drawing from several schools of Acupuncture, diverse skills are combined to provide an advanced treatment approach tailored to the individual. Major influences are Classical Five Element, Charles Chace's Engaging Vitality approach to Qi palpation, and Matt Callinson's system of Motor Points.


These provide a strong framework for diagnosis and the ability to treat very holistically, while advanced palpatory skills are used to continually assess response to treatment.

The Acutonics system of vibratory medicine uses specially calibrated tuning forks to stimulate acupuncture points. This provides another useful dimension to treatment and can be combined with Acupuncture or offers a needle-free alternative for those who might prefer it.


Jake came to practice this medicine through his studies in Oriental philosophy and longstanding interest in Taiqi, Qi Gong and other martial arts. He sees this as a natural progression which has allowed him to more fully express his Way.